Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
In order to provide clarity on our processes, we’ve compiled a list of some of our most common questions.
Getting Involved
What's the time commitment like?
All elected members of must attend the General Assembly meeting held weekly, on Fridays from 12:00-2:00 pm. In addition:
Internal Affairs & Cabinet positions: must attend, weekly Internal Affairs meeting. Those individuals holding cabinet positions may also be requested to attend additional meetings with the Executive President or Director of Communications as deemed necessary.
Academic Senators: must meet with the Executive President after General Assembly or another time allocated.
Student Experience Senators: must attend additional meetings with the Executive Vice President after the General Assembly or another time allocated.
Class Presidents: must attend their respective class council meetings.
General Members: must attend the General Member meeting as deemed necessary by the Chief of Staff.
Hence, every member has a weekly time commitment of 3-4 hours and some additional hours when needed.
What's the deadline for applying for appointed positions?
There is no deadline! Applications are reviewed as they're received. If a position is listed as open, it will remain so until someone's application is approved. To find a list of open positions, please visit our Get Involved page.
I'm not sure what my schedule will look like next semester—can I still apply?
Yes! We understand that your studies come first, and we encourage you to apply or run for a position if you're truly interested in participating in the SGA.
How do I apply for an open position?
Our application for open positions can be found on EmConnect under the Student Government Association (SGA) page. Make sure to check out our Get Involved page to see what positions are open.
I applied but I haven't heard back yet!
Please be sure to email the upon applying. We should send a confirmation email to note that we received your application; after that, we'll be in touch 1-3 business days with further information. If you haven't heard back after that time, please send a follow up email. Please remember that the beginning of the semester, midterms, and finals are our busiest times, so we thank you for your patience!
I don't know if I can make every meeting, but I still want to be involved.
While every appointed or elected officer (with the exception of General Members!) is required to attend certain meetings, all meetings of General Assembly are open to the entire student population! Every Emerson student is a member of the SGA, and thus you're welcome to attend and lend your voice to the discussion even if you do not hold a formal position. Feel free to reach out to if you have a specific situation that you would like to discuss.
When are elections held?
Elections are held at the end of each semester (Fall and Spring). Each year, the elections timeline is set by the SGA Chief Justice. For more information about upcoming elections and open positions, feel free to reach out to
Organization Affiliation
How does my organization become college affiliated and sga funded?
The Office of Student Engagement & Leadership (SEAL) and SGA currently over see the Student Organization Affiliation Process (SOAP). Student organizations looking to become affiliated should reach out to for more information.
SGA oversees the process in order to receive funds for an organization, through the Annual Budget Review (ABR) process. All organizations interested in receiving funds should contact for more information.